Victory BGC



We exist to Honor god and Make Disciples.



We exist to Honor god and Make Disciples.

We desire to honor God in every area of life. Our starting point, goal, and motive is the honor of God. This is foundational for understanding why we do what we do. It is all about Him, not us.

We follow Jesus and help others follow Him. We make disciples by engaging culture and community, establishing biblical foundations, equipping believers to minister, and empowering disciples to make disciples.

In June 1984, Rice Broocks, Al Manamtam, and Steve and Deborah Murrell led a team of sixty-­five American university students on a one­-month summer mission trip in Manila’s University Belt.

After two weeks of meetings at the Girl Scouts Auditorium on Padre Faura, the new church, consisting of about 150 high school and university students, moved into the basement of the Tandem Theater on Recto Avenue. From this original group of 150, Victory has planted churches across the Philippines and is now composed of thousands of students, professionals, and families. We have Victory group leaders who lead discipleship groups weekly in campuses, coffee shops, homes, and offices.

In 1994, Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, and Steve Murrell met in Manila, Philippines, to explore ways to cooperate in campus ministry, church planting, and world missions. This meeting resulted in the birthing of Every Nation, a worldwide church-planting movement with a vision to establish churches and campus ministries in every nation. Victory is a founding member of this global family.

Since its founding, Victory has sent Filipino campus missionaries and church planters to serve as cross­-cultural missionaries to countries across the globe. Besides these long­-term missionaries, Victory has also sent numerous teams for short-term missions to reach every campus and every nation.


In addition to adhering to the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed, Every Nation Philippines affirms and upholds the following articles of faith without reservation.


We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of all things. He is perfect and unchanging; completely loving, good, and holy; limitless in knowledge, power, and presence. God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; one in essence, having the same divine attributes and perfections, with each person fulfilling distinct roles. Gracious in his eternal purpose to redeem a people for himself, God is worthy of wholehearted love and worship.


We believe God has spoken through human authors in the Scriptures, the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the only written, verbally inspired Word of God and is self attesting, unchanging, and without error in all it affirms. As God’s authoritative, infallible, and sufficient revelation for life, doctrine, and practice, the Bible is to be trusted and obeyed.


We believe God created all things, visible and invisible, out of nothing, and all very good. He sovereignly sustains and governs creation for his glory and the benefit of his creatures. God created humans in his image, male and female, to know, love, and glorify him in covenant relationship and to serve as stewards of the earth. The first man, Adam, sinned against God, resulting in alienation, death, guilt, shame, and a curse upon the earth. Separated from God and subject to his judgment, all humans have inherited a sinful nature from which they cannot save themselves.

Our core values express the good deposit we guard together. These are our essential values and help describe how we build our ministry.


We value obedience. Because Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords,” we believe that wholehearted submission to God’s will and His Word is the starting point of the Christian faith and the foundation of all spiritual growth. (Colossians 2:6)


We value lost people. Because God’s heart is to reach the lost, we seek to build churches primarily through evangelism, not transfer; through birth, not adoption. (John 3:16; Luke 19:10)


We value spiritual growth. Because we are called to make disciples, our primary focus is ministering to people, not conducting meetings, facilitating programs, or building buildings. (Matthew 28:19,20)


We value leadership development. Because we are called to develop future leaders who will serve in the church and in the community, we prioritize leadership development. We do this by deliberately creating opportunities for young potential leaders to develop their gifts, and empowering them through identification, instruction, impartation, and internship. (2 Timothy 2:2)


We value long-term relationships. Because the family is the foundation and validation of ministry, we refuse to sacrifice our marriages and our children on the altars of temporal success. And because we believe God has called us to be a spiritual family, we embrace community, reject the idea of disposable relationships, and choose to walk in love, respect, and unity. (Psalm 127:1,3; Ephesians 4:3)

Victory is a founding member of Every Nation, a global movement that exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

You can visit to know more.



To the City

Victory BGC (formerly known as Victory Fort Bonifacio) was planted back in 2003, in the vibrant area known as Fort Bonifacio. Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed remarkable growth, expansions, and transformations in the Fort Bonifacio vicinity. What once was an expanse of open land had blossomed into the nation’s premier central business and lifestyle district.

Victory BGC (formerly known as Victory Fort Bonifacio) was planted back in 2003, in the vibrant area known as Fort Bonifacio. Over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed remarkable growth, expansions, and transformations in the Fort Bonifacio vicinity. What once was an expanse of open land had blossomed into the nation’s premier central business and lifestyle district.

As Fort Bonifacio continued to evolve, so did its identity. Gradually, it transitioned into the renowned Bonifacio Global City or BGC. We, as a church, have journeyed alongside this transformation. We believe that staying relevant means adopting the language and identity of the community that God has placed us in. Practically speaking, this means embracing our true physical location—we are a church located in Bonifacio Global City. Hence, in 2023, on our 20th year anniversary as a church, we changed our name from Victory Fort Bonifacio to Victory BGC.

We also believe that as we changed our name from Victory Fort Bonifacio to Victory BGC, this signals a new season for the church as well. While our mission stays the same, we are in faith for the new things that God will do in and through the church as we expand our reach in the community that He has placed us in.

We are grateful for all that God has done in the last twenty years in Victory Fort Bonifacio, and we are expectant for all that He will do as we step into a new season as Victory BGC. We look forward to the growth and expansion that God will do as we continue to Bring the Gospel to the City and to the next generation.

If you want to know more about Victory Philippines, visit our website at

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