Victory BGC

The Road Out

We’ve all been there before, haven’t we? That feeling of being stuck, trapped in an unending cycle, facing insurmountable challenges.

We long to escape the shackles that hold us back.

In the middle of the dark endless tunnel, there is a road out. There is only one God whose might and power can truly set us free. He strengthens us to confidently step into His purpose and promises.

Join us this weekend as we start our new series, The Road Out. Let’s discover God’s miraculous redemption in Israel in these next five weeks.

  • Week 1: God’s Deliverance—The Purpose of Plagues
  • Week 2: God over the gods of Nile River
  • Week 3: God’s grace over His people
  • Week 4: God over Pharaoh
  • Week 5: God’s Deliverance

Join our worship services by checking the schedules here or visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.